Our experienced in-house team of 70 scientists delivers biodiversity surveying, monitoring, identification, and assessments for projects of all types and scopes. We carefully balance your project needs with EIA regulatory requirements and environmental considerations to maintain your social licence and deliver results that work for you — and your natural capital.

Vertebrate fauna
Biologic was founded on the strength of the vertebrate fauna experience and expertise of our passionate team. Today, we are renowned for our capacity to undertake multiple large vertebrate fauna projects simultaneously while delivering consistently unerring work.
Invertebrate fauna
In addition to biodiversity surveys and assessments, our highly experienced team of invertebrate ecologists also provides advice to local city councils on how to assess and improve the invertebrate biodiversity of their urban green spaces. Our work includes assessment of short-range endemic species and plant-pollinator network surveys.
Subterranean fauna
Our reputation as subterranean fauna specialists is based on the high quality of our surveys and assessments, and our innovative use of genetic analysis and 3D habitat modelling. Our assessment approach helps our clients maintain high environmental standards, reduces the burden of repetitive sampling, and provides powerful solutions for complex challenges.
Flora and vegetation
Bringing a wealth of experience in flora, vegetation, and groundwater dependent ecosystems, our team of botanists delivers a range of vital services including permit assessments, research, mapping, monitoring, identification, and specialised rehabilitation services.
Aquatic ecology
The health of aquatic ecosystems is fundamental to the biodiversity of all natural environments. Our highly experienced team of aquatic ecologists delivers thorough and reliable aquatic ecosystem surveys, including sampling of invertebrate fauna, vertebrate fauna, wetland flora, water quality and sediment quality to provide an understanding of the ecosystem as a whole, and allow biodiversity to be characterised. We design and undertake surveys for baseline and impact assessments, as well as ongoing monitoring programs to help our clients monitor, maintain and improve the health of their aquatic systems.
With in-house expertise surveying all insect pollinators including native bee populations, we offer services in this crucial and emerging area for clients wishing to include pollinators in biodiversity surveys. We also support the formation of government guidelines on ensuring pollinators are adequately considered in the approvals process.
Molecular systematics (genetics)
The experienced geneticists in our molecular systematics team provide a variety of molecular solutions to the identification of species — a crucial tool for biodiversity assessment. We provide high quality and timely species assessments using a mix of traditional barcoding techniques, next generation sequencing for the analysis of environmental DNA (eDNA), and plastome and nuclear DNA sequencing for the understanding of plant population genomics.
Targeted surveys
As one of the ultimate environmental surveying challenges, our targeted species surveys are designed to meet regulatory requirements while remaining cost-effective solutions for our clients. Across the spectrum of native species — from mammals and birds to reptiles and invertebrates — we are equipped to undertake surveys of all conservation-significant species.
We are industry leaders in the design and implementation of fauna, flora, and vegetation monitoring programs, and our award-winning establishment of the MOTUS VHF receiver system was the first of its kind in Australia.
Investing in the ecological and social value of the environments under your care is vital for the planet and for the success of your project. No matter your project’s size or scope, get in touch to partner with us for a low carbon, nature positive future.